I am asked 2 or 3 times a day why I do what I do, and I tell people the truth. I have been a very sexual being as far back as I can remember. I remember finding my father's nudie magazines and getting a twinge when I looked at the pictures. I very much enjoyed that feeling, as much as an orgasm, as it is the anticipation. That little twinge is what makes me either slide my hand into my panties or attack my lovers. I have been obsessed with sex as far back as I remember (yes, that far), but had no idea how to deal with it, being a catholic, all I knew was it was BAD, so I figured the only way I was to be saved was to become a Nun.
That was until I had the pleasure of having my first orgasm induced by another person. I don't know about you, but, I will never forget that first orgasm. It was the first time a man went down on me, and it was the most AMAZING experience of my entire life. Yes I was underage (however, I would go into clubs and not get carded as much as I do now), and he was 23. I could feel his kisses so deep in my pussy that I was not able co control myself when he lifted up my skirt and slid my panties over to the side. He teased me as I tilted my pussy up to meet his mouth, tracing the swollen lips of my Virgin Pussy.
I can't remember how long he spent sucking my clit, sliding his tongue in and out of me, all I remember is the most amazing feeling that I wanted to feel FOREVER.
Now, why I am a sex worker? Because, when I am lucky enough to be on the phone with a man, who can tell a story that makes my pussy get that deep twinge, that makes it impossible for me to keep my hands to myself, I know that if I was not able to bring myself to orgasm right then and there with him, I would think about it all day long, and not be able to do my job. And yes, I think about sex all day long, and I live for the calls that make me play with my pussy, and NO, it never happens in 3 minutes.

Three FREE Minutes