Friday, May 25, 2007

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Ah the start of the Summer Season. Well I will be leaving for my traditional Memorial Day weekend retreat going north to visit my Aunt (who is my godmother) and my Uncle. I love going up there. I remember the first summer I spent with them when I was 12 years old, that was when my Uncle taught me how to shoot his Walther P22, he ands I would spend every summer shooting even when I was in college I only lived 20 miles away and we would go shooting every weekend we could, when he wasn't on duty with the PA Game and Boat Commission.

Then my favorite Summer, My Junior Year of College I got a job with him for the summer and that is when I learned to fire the Desert Eagle Baby ( I own a DESERT EAGLE BABY 45ACP 3.7" BARREL now, among others including a Henry Rifle, a 20 gauge Shotgun, and a Walther P22.) I had so much fun, now we get together Memorial Day weekend every year and go shooting, last year he came down here, this year me and my best friend (she has more guns than me) and I are going to treat him and my Aunt to the Shooting range.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Thursdays Happenings

You know there are just some things that blow my mind away. I know you know me as a very sensual and sexual woman. I love sex, I think about sex all the time. But some days I watch the news (I love to be an informed individual), and I now know why Elvis used to shoot his TVs.

Seriously, I need a license to drive, to fish, for my dog, to marry (it could happen), but they will let any Nut Job be a parent, here are two that need to have vasectomies.;bp=t

I can't find the link for the other story about a 19 year old father who stuck his 2 month old daughter in a microwave because he was stressed out.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Clicking on my listings.

Hey Guys, this is just a reminder to add me to your favorites instead of selecting me for the maim listings. I pay to be on those pages and if you have not called me in 30 days, I get charged when you click me.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Hypocritical Catholics

I have a customer whom I have been talking to for over a year. He and I talk for an hour or more at a time and some of those conversation do not even include sex (actually very few of them include sex.) One of our more recent conversations included a discussion about premarital sex and confession.

I told him he was a hypocrite asking for forgivness, during confession, for having sex before marriage, if he very well knew he is going to have premarital sex again.

He told me he hopes to marry the next woman he has sex with, then asks me to see him so we can have "hang out" and tells me how much he wants to fuck me. I then ask him if he wants to marry me. He proceeds to say, I just want to meet you and hang out with you, if we click, then maybe we will have sex. I proceeded to tell him, if we ever met, I would not have sex with him, I would not want to be the Gesibelle that made him commit the sin of premarital sex.