Many of you already know I sneeze a lot. Well I have a listing on NiteFlirt just so you can hear me sneeze LIVE. If you are New to NiteFlirt, your first 3 minutes will be FREE after that it is just $2.99 a minute.

1-800-TO-FLIRT, extension 0861879
I look forward to sneezing for you soon.
Some of you may be aware that I am one of the few women on NiteFlirt that provide LIVE sneezing. They are real sneezes, sometimes enduced, often not. New callers get three free minutes to try me out.
Live Sneeze Listing. $2.99 a Minute1-800-TO-FLIRT, extension 0861879I look forward to sneezing for you.Jenni
Well, I am going to be leaving for Vermont On Friday, and returning Tuesday. I think I may try to make myself available as well as try and get some new photos taken. So if you don;t get a chance to call me befor I leave I will try to take appointments on Saturday and Monday.
I want to thank Madame for this 11th hour entry. It wins on pure originality.
OK My Lovelies, this is my favorite day of the year, so send me your panty pics. (No Nudity). I will post the winner on Saturday Night. The factors that will be judged are.
- panty color.
- panty fit.
- how well you fill them out.
So now you know the rules. Send those pics (post in comments) as soon as possible.
OFFENSIVE: of·fen·sive Pronunciation: oh-'fen(t)-siv, especially for 1 'รค-"fen(t)-, 'o-Function: adjective1 a : making attack : AGGRESSIVE b : of, relating to, or designed for attack c : of or relating to an attempt to score in a game or contest; also : of or relating to a team in possession of the ball or puck2 : giving painful or unpleasant sensations : NAUSEOUS, OBNOXIOUS 3 : causing displeasure or resentment ) My site on yahoo must have caused displeasure, because that is why it was shut down and my entire Yahoo!™ Existance was DELETED. I am only upset because it happend only minutes after finally got my NiteFlirt listings approved after 3 days. I have been on NF since 2001 and this is the first time that has happened. thank you to all of my Faithful Fans who continued to call me. I love you all.