Killed by Yahoo! Disabled by NiteFlirt
OFFENSIVE: of·fen·sive Pronunciation: oh-'fen(t)-siv, especially for 1 'ä-"fen(t)-, 'o-Function: adjective1 a : making attack : AGGRESSIVE b : of, relating to, or designed for attack c : of or relating to an attempt to score in a game or contest; also : of or relating to a team in possession of the ball or puck2 : giving painful or unpleasant sensations : NAUSEOUS, OBNOXIOUS 3 : causing displeasure or resentment ) My site on yahoo must have caused displeasure, because that is why it was shut down and my entire Yahoo!™ Existance was DELETED. I am only upset because it happend only minutes after finally got my NiteFlirt listings approved after 3 days. I have been on NF since 2001 and this is the first time that has happened. thank you to all of my Faithful Fans who continued to call me. I love you all.