Thursday, June 12, 2008

Free Phone Sex.....Live. NiteFlirt

As you know I am somewhat of a phone sex icon. I like to think that I am one of the more senior flirts on Niteflirt as I started my account right before I started college in 2001 as a way to make money while I was in school.

One of the things I like most about NiteFlirt is they let you try it out for free and there are no minimums. I mean, you do not have to pre pay for a 20 minute call or a 10 minute call. As you and I both know, me especially, that sometimes the girl is so good, she gets you off in 2-5 minutes, and guess what, you do not get your money back.

That is why I like Niteflirt for my customers. It is like any type of service. Have you ever tried to call Microsoft, you have to pay $45 (last time I checked) to talk to someone live, even if you only talk to them for 30 second, that is not right.

Also NiteFlirt has this amazing thing where if you want to you can give me a "tribute" or "gift" right over the phone or right on my listing.

So if you want one of the most amazing experiences available to you, and not have to sign over your first born to get it, try setting up an account on Niteflirt and give me a call.

First 3 minutes are Free, $1.63 a minute after that.

You must be 18 and have a valid Credit/Debit.

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